das passagen- werk/the arcades project
walter benjamin created with the arcades project a body of work which has been seeing as an brilliant artistic endeavor of his. the assembly of historical text containing comments, anecdotes, magazine articles and other literary miscellaneous brings the reader to a world of socio-political, literary curiosities of the parisian society of the 20's. and somehow its analyses still, in many cases, very contemporary.

date - monday - 30.09.2013
time - 7.45 pm -
reading starts at 8.15 pm sharp
place - blank slate magazine space -
kaiserpassage - store 44
address - kaiserstraße 62-64
60329 - frankfurt am main
Le Pont des planites (Interplanetary Bridge). Engraving by Grandville, 1844
like strolling through an arcade, the audience will be engaged in a mental distraction which involves historical facts and fictional narrative through reading benjamin's das passagen- werk/the arcades project we are presenting a view of the twenties that created the whole thing.
the audience is invited to join the textual performance, building a literary sculpture and enjoy musical abstractions of the selected chapters.
the performative reading will be in german, french, and english.
the kaiserarcade
passages read by
saul judd - susanne radmann - felix pausch - laila nissen - johanna suess
ruediger lang on the plattenspieler
the space is limited - please RSVP° before 29.09.13 sending us an email reply to this invitation. as subject write : yes i am a flaneur. after receiving your email we will sending you a confirmation email which will give you a code to get into the kaiser passe even if it is closed. the kaiserpassage's gates closes around 8pm.
a donation of 3€ will be suggested!
reading starts at 8.15 pm sharp
kaiserpassage - store 44
60329 - frankfurt am main
Le Pont des planites (Interplanetary Bridge). Engraving by Grandville, 1844
°RSVP° is a request for a response from the invited person or people. it is an initialism derived from the French phrase répondez s'il vous plaît, meaning "please respond." [1] [2]
that means [1] Anyone receiving an invitation with an R.S.V.P. on it is obliged to reply....",[2] and some recent editions describe breaching this standard as "inexcusably rude"
thanks goes to the support from SIKS www.siks-ffm.de and KP gallery www.kaiser-p.de
and the great http:// blankslate-magazine.com/ team!!!
video by avi dehlinger for dontneed.org
thanks goes to the support from SIKS www.siks-ffm.de and KP gallery www.kaiser-p.de
and the great http://
video by avi dehlinger for dontneed.org
das passagen- werk/the arcades project by walter benjamin - performative reading 2013 from dontneed on Vimeo
Walter Benjamin - Arcades Project - sounds
Rüdiger's selecting of sounds for the evening was inspired by the chapters titles that he chose.
A Arcades, Magasins de Nouveautes,
Sales Clerks
Hauschka (Foreign Landscapes) - Alexanderplatz
Berliner Ring (BARDO) - Good evening
Schwabinggrad Ballet - So sehr der Gedanke auch schmerzt, will es mir doch scheinen, als ob ich selbst in einer befreiten Gesellschaft zu einer Minderheit gehoeren wuerde.
B Fashion
Jackie Liebezeit und Burnt Friedmann (Secret Rythems 2)- Mikrokasper
Kraftwerk (Trans Europa Express) - Spiegelglas
D Boredom, Eternal Return
Bohren und der Club of Gore (Black Earth) - Midnight Black Earth
Grey series 4 - Stanislav Tolkachev (Depth of Light) - Depth of Light
M The Flaneur
Christoph Schwellenbach - Was ist Musik (by Justus Koehnke)
Kamerakino (Paradiso) - Kolonialwaren
Christoph Schwellenbach - Maria (by Closer Musik)
Kamerakino (Paradiso) - Sie leben!
N On the Theory of Knowledge,
Theory of Progress
Mark Fürstenberg (Gesamtlaufzeit) - Gegenströmung
Loops Haunt (Zenith) - Heal
März (Love Streams) - Everybody had a hard year
V Conspiracies, Compagnonnage
Sun Ra (The heliocentric worlds of Sun Ra; Vol2) - The Sun Myth
Ban Bou Nou (Orbiting) - Orbiting
Z The Doll, The Automaton
The Modernist - Opportunity Knox
Esther Brinkmann - Maschine
a Social Movement
James Holden (The inheritors) - A circle Inside a circle Inside
Kante - Best of both worlds
Schwabinggrad Ballet - ICE Berthold Brecht
m Idleness
GAS - Zauberberg
Slowblow - Hamburger Cemetery
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