at manifesta7 one of the best sections is "the soul or, much trouble in the transportation of souls" curated by anselm franke and hila peleg. anselm directs the extra city center for contemporary art in antwerp and hila is currently a PhD candidate in curatorial knowledge/visual cultures at goldsmiths college/university of london. this collaboration became a very intelligent work.
they "collected" and assembled works by artists and other muldiciplinaries practicioners like natascha sadr haghighian wich have made this video which shows dancer, choreographer and former microbiologist xavier le roy in conversation with ostheopath martina zeidler{more here}.
the two videos by keren cytter, which did push buttons on local and european conflicts, historical and present ones by mentioning the poverty of the soul and the arrogance of european societies trough the centuries towards the rest of the world and in their own local realietie as well. keren cytter managed to do a time specific work. with artist like andree korpys and markus löffler and their video piece "villa feltrinell" we can see how history is always hunting the present and how we can use that to transport the troubled soul in discussion in the m7 project.{more...}.
the choice of presenting a series of "museums works" _ "the MUSEUM OF EUROPEAN NORMALITY" by maria thereza alves, jimmie durham and michael Taussig ,"the MUSEUM OF LEARNING" by brigid doherty (more here..).
in the top of it all this section of the manifesat7 does a constant research on psychiatric ativities in and on society. good example are The Museum Projective Personality Testing and The Museum for Franco Basaglia (more here..).
this specific part of the exhibition can make us think about the real time and place for museum. the relation to human necessity of remembering or forgetting reality. the artists and researchers invited to be part of this section of the manifesta are some of the most intense and witty ones working today.
more later on the "principle hope " in rovereto...
this specific part of the exhibition can make us think about the real time and place for museum. the relation to human necessity of remembering or forgetting reality. the artists and researchers invited to be part of this section of the manifesta are some of the most intense and witty ones working today.
the artist of m7, coming from all over, the planet are not easy on the europeans or italians, by the way, making this manifesta not an easy one to digest or even understand by locals but very important one for the intensify the art making as a scientific work almost.
the manifest7 index is a good publication to go along with the exhibition. the piece "regenerating memory" written by hedwig fijen, fabio cavallucci and andreas hepkemayer goes to the core of this project. the choice of the location was really good and important as well.
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